Minerace Capsule contains Zinc Vitamin A Vitamin C Copper Selenium ManganeseTocopherol. Multivitamins are used to provide Vitamins that are not taken in through the diet. Multivitamins are also used to treat Vitamin deficiencies (lack of Vitamins) caused by illness pregnancy poor nutrition digestive disorders and many other conditions. multiminerals helps in overall well being and increases appetite. They also play important role in making gums teeth & bones strong. Vitamin E is antioxidant helps reduce oxidation of lipid membranes and the unsaturated fatty acids and prevents the breakdown of other nutrients by oxygen. Copper contributes to our skin and hair health. USAGE· Folate-deficient Anemia· Prophylaxis of megaloblastic anemia in pregnancy.· Prophylaxis of neural tube defect in pregnancy.· Malabsorption syndromes.· Maintain skin and hair health Use under medical supervision.