LYCOBION CAPSULE contains Lycopene Selenium Vitamin AVitamin CVitamin E Zinc. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that protect cells from damage. Vitamin A is required for proper growth and development good eyesight and to increase the immunity of the body. In eye it helps in the formation of retina which is required for both low-light and color vision. Vitamin A as retinoic acid is a growth factor for epithelial and other cells. Vitamin C cannot be synthesized by humans; therefore a dietary source is necessary. It acts as a cofactor in numerous biological processes including the hydroxylation of proline to hydroxyproline. USAGE· Nutritional deficiency during infancy pregnancy lactation hepatobiliary disease steatorrhea. · Skin diseases like acne vulgaria acne venenata posiriasis ichthyosis.· Prevention of ascorbic acid deficiency treatment of scurvy methaemoglobinaemia acidity urine non specific haemorrhagic states anaemia dental infections as antioxidant to protect natural colour and flavour of many foods. Use under medical Supervision