Flash syrup is a unique combination of multivitamins and multiminerals. This multi-mineral vitamin complex may be used for the treatment of Anemia and management of Arthritis. Flash syrup is a mix of Vitamins A D3 E B1 B2 B6 B12 B9 B3 C Copper sulphate Magnesium D-Panthenol Potassium Manganese Zinc sulphate and Magnesium. All these components have a focused action and provide a positive effect on the health condition. Some components improve the blood circulation and oxygen saturation. Due to this a sufficient amount of the nutrients will be received by the organs and tissues. Some of them have a good influence on the work of the central nervous system and due to this you will not experience problems with sleep a risk of depression will be reduced and you will be always in a good mood. Flash Syrup is used in the treatment control prevention & improvement of the following diseases.AnemiaArthritis vitamin b3 deficiencyDiarrheaHigh cholesterolHyperkalemiaHypocalcaemiaIron deficienciesUse under medical supervision.